How to Prepare for Your Newborn Session

 It is always an honor and a privilege to be the photographer chosen to photograph your newborn baby. I would like this experience to be as stress free and calm as possible. Here are some tips to help you be as prepared as possible.

1. When should I schedule my newborn photography session?
It is always best to have your newborn photo session scheduled during the last trimester of your pregnancy.

Having advanced, approximate notice is important so that I can keep my workload manageable around your due date.

I will be able to “pencil” you in on my calendar according to your due date and then ask that you contact me as soon as possible after baby’s arrival to firm up the date and time. Sometimes clients do not think of doing a newborn session until after baby arrives.

There is just so much to think about during pregnancy! This is fine too and I will make every effort to accommodate you in my schedule.